Greatness Beckons!

Who else wants to boost revenue by 20%, increase market share, and slash advertising waste, this year?

Are you a business leader that wants to raise revenue by 20% and dramatically grow your market share, while slashing advertising bloat, this year?

I help local and regional firms do just that.

Together we'll quickly identify low-hanging fruit, and develop strategies to boost your profits and blow up your market share.

Let's talk about how I can help you reach your goals.

Business meeting. Business people in formalwear discussing something while sitting together at the table
Let's talk

Business Coaching

If your focus is centered on leadership, influencing colleagues, or perhaps revitalizing your organization, you can likely benefit from independent, expert input.

Just like you, I’ve held senior roles. I’m no stranger to complexity, pressure, and time and resource constraints. “Been there” experience and outside perspective brings clear sight to help you to reach your objectives.

Not everyone can claim they’ve worked with global giants like Microsoft, Dell, Cigna, Volvo, American Express, HSBC, as well as regional and local firms, to raise their teams’ performance levels and create billion-dollar market revenue streams; but those are among the name-brand clients I’ve worked with.

Let me help you with changes that propel your staff to become more engaged, motivated, bold, and most important, effective.

Are you ready to climb to your next level as well?

Life Coaching

Business coaching and life coaching are two of the most important services that senior leaders can invest in. 

Insights from seasoned veterans can help you dramatically raise your performance, to hit your professional and personal goals.

Life Coaching

Build Up Your Teams To Win!

Strategic Planning

Together, we'll develop strategic plans for your business; including goal setting, identifying resources, and creating and committing to action plans to reach critical milestones. We'll also work to craft meaningful metrics to help stay on-track for your objectives.

Leadership Development

Your staff will level-up their leadership skills with input on effective team management, task delegation, and staff motivation. With insights from developing “growth mindset” work environments that encourage collaboration and innovation, your team will be on their way to the next summit!

Business Growth Strategies

We'll partner to identify opportunities for revenue growth, and develop strategies to expand into new markets; and/or potentially launch new products and services. At the same time, we'll review potential risks associated with these growth strategies before you commit to action.

Financial Management

Leaders know their organizations must carefully manage their financial health, to stay fiscally fit. We'll work together in reviewing and applying financial management principles like budgeting, cash flow management, and cost control. Your team will benefit with input on making sound financial decisions in line with your long-term objectives.


Results Matter

tim Hoogasian

Management Consultant


Inner Growth

Goal Setting

Let's get you on track with realistic goals in areas like career development, personal growth, relationships, health and finances; and create an action plan to reach those goals. I'll stick with you on your path, to help you stay motivated and overcome obstacles that may come up on the way.

Time Management

Does this resonate? You got to the end of a week and wondered, “Wait, what just happened? The week was a blur, but I don’t see lots of progress…” Let's raise your game with effective time management and productivity techniques such as task prioritization, delegating responsibilities, and setting deadlines; so that you can make each day count..

Stress Management

Stress is a killer: both metaphorically, and literally. Whether your stress is from your career or personal and family life, you can manage it in healthy ways. We’ll develop approaches that work with your life; such as regular exercise, meditation or practicing mindfulness, getting enough rest every night, and more; so that you can feel more balanced, and bloom where you're planted.

Personal Development

Everyone’s life path is unique, and sometimes the path forward isn't clear. As a team, we'll identify areas of personal growth that you want to focus on, such as communication skills or actions that help build your self-confidence, so you can be more successful in both personal and professional areas of your life.

Tell us where we can help you the most!


What Our Clients Say

This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.​

"Aptent mus quisque porttitor convallis tempora eaque blandit phasellus perspiciatis lectus, exercitationem Porttitor consectetur fugit ligula officiis rhoncus litora deserunt ratione curae beatae! Augue faucibu"
Michelle P.
"Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis dolor. Similique at tellus magna Adipisci facilisis optio incidunt, corrupti minus nibh sequi convallis magnam neque gravida vel consequatur mi iaculis magnis felis eleifend laboriosam explicabo fuga. Earum fugiat cillum harum!"
John J.
" Aptent mus quisque porttitor convallis tempora eaque blandit phasellus perspiciatis lectus, exercitationem."
Smith T.